toss the tosh
Ok. So Bhai tagged me. Technically I don't qualify for the tag as the stick had to be passed onto three people and I was a poorly fourth after-thought. But. Not many drop by my bookshelf anyway and I can respond to the meme here and yet not take it up. Devious. I know.
Here goes:
You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?
Easy beasy. This was why I took up this meme in the first place. Deewan e Ghalib. As if there was any other book I'd rather be. Actually I would cheat, and also lap up Nuskhaha e Wafa.
Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
A crush? As in a single one? Heck no, I make it to a point to look for the best traits in any given protagonist and gradually graduate to the crush stage. Of course this carefully analyzed, worked on, scientific crush ceases to be one the moment a book is finished and replaced in the bookshelf.
The last book you bought is...?
You really want to know? OK, confession time. I was stuck in a hotel room in my road show and had to get some word tosh. So I browsed through the hotel bookshop which did not have much reader's choice and settled for Sophie Kinsella's Can you keep a secret? Confessions galore. Fact and fiction. Go figure.
The last book you read?
Read as in took up and finished reading? That is tough. So I read teh trash confessed about above and flipped through a couple of work related titles. Update a day later: Finished Love in the Time of Cholera and feel mighty proud of it too. This was mt third attempt at reading it and not have I only done that, but also savored the almost lyrical quality of its prose. I hate Florentino Ariza though.
What are you currently reading?
Love in the Time of Cholera. Finished, as above. Started on The Battle for God, Karen Armstrong and Edward de Bono's I am Right, You are Wrong.
Five books you would take to a deserted Island.
I will not take five books to any deserted island. If I am being shipped off then I'd rather have a say in this one. I will take all that I can read to last my stay. Diverse trash and serious stuff. Or see below.
Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?
No one ever comes round here. And by the time I got this stick most had already moved onto better and exciting things. So. The meme stops here.
And this one following I had meself tagged onto. VLady set a pretty tough criteria for it though. Red shirts/french fries/chewed gum on the day of reading the post. I did not qualify for it of course but. Some questions are repeats of above and would be left unanswered. In a way of speaking/writing/typing/blogging.
Total number of books owned, ever:
Let me count, 1, 2, 3, 4...
Last book I bought:
Why do you have to rub in the fact that I have extremely trashy reading habits? 15, 16, 17...
Last book I read:
See above. Not that I am particularly proud of it. 35, 36, 37...
Five books which mean a lot to me:
That would be the same as ones I would take with me to a deserted island?
Actually all books I have read so far mean a lot to me. And that is not many books that I have read. So.
Guess, being a muslim, I have to give in the standard answer, so yes, the Holy Qur'an means a lot to me. Actually, I have this translation/tafseer of the Qur'an Pa got for me. It's been ages since I opened it (shame on me, I know too) but I know this much, every time I read it, I find something new to think about, something so beautiful and profound that it makes life worth a living all over again.
The second book would be, Deewan e Ghalib of course. I am not an authority on the bard, just a humble starter Ghalib lover.
Third should be Faiz's Nuskhaha e Wafa. 53, 54, 55...
Fourth would be a compilation of all the tosh I have ever written, feautures, articles, interviews, class assignments, reports, projects, researches, exam and test copies (yes!), that meagre amount poetry that had my name to it, my master's thesis, a couple of girly diaries, and all my blog content etc.
Fifth would be the book I am yet to write. If I write more than one, then an omnibus edition: Collected works of AWK.
No, let's revise. If two and three can be lumped as one, or one is a given, being a Muslim and all, I can squeeze in a fifth but technically sixth book which would be a collection of all my thoughts left unsaid/unairedunwritten. And that would be the one meaning most to me. And 79, 80, 81 ... still counting the number of books I owned, ever. :-)
Here goes:
You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?
Easy beasy. This was why I took up this meme in the first place. Deewan e Ghalib. As if there was any other book I'd rather be. Actually I would cheat, and also lap up Nuskhaha e Wafa.
Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
A crush? As in a single one? Heck no, I make it to a point to look for the best traits in any given protagonist and gradually graduate to the crush stage. Of course this carefully analyzed, worked on, scientific crush ceases to be one the moment a book is finished and replaced in the bookshelf.
The last book you bought is...?
You really want to know? OK, confession time. I was stuck in a hotel room in my road show and had to get some word tosh. So I browsed through the hotel bookshop which did not have much reader's choice and settled for Sophie Kinsella's Can you keep a secret? Confessions galore. Fact and fiction. Go figure.
The last book you read?
Read as in took up and finished reading? That is tough. So I read teh trash confessed about above and flipped through a couple of work related titles. Update a day later: Finished Love in the Time of Cholera and feel mighty proud of it too. This was mt third attempt at reading it and not have I only done that, but also savored the almost lyrical quality of its prose. I hate Florentino Ariza though.
What are you currently reading?
Love in the Time of Cholera. Finished, as above. Started on The Battle for God, Karen Armstrong and Edward de Bono's I am Right, You are Wrong.
Five books you would take to a deserted Island.
I will not take five books to any deserted island. If I am being shipped off then I'd rather have a say in this one. I will take all that I can read to last my stay. Diverse trash and serious stuff. Or see below.
Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?
No one ever comes round here. And by the time I got this stick most had already moved onto better and exciting things. So. The meme stops here.
And this one following I had meself tagged onto. VLady set a pretty tough criteria for it though. Red shirts/french fries/chewed gum on the day of reading the post. I did not qualify for it of course but. Some questions are repeats of above and would be left unanswered. In a way of speaking/writing/typing/blogging.
Total number of books owned, ever:
Let me count, 1, 2, 3, 4...
Last book I bought:
Why do you have to rub in the fact that I have extremely trashy reading habits? 15, 16, 17...
Last book I read:
See above. Not that I am particularly proud of it. 35, 36, 37...
Five books which mean a lot to me:
That would be the same as ones I would take with me to a deserted island?
Actually all books I have read so far mean a lot to me. And that is not many books that I have read. So.
Guess, being a muslim, I have to give in the standard answer, so yes, the Holy Qur'an means a lot to me. Actually, I have this translation/tafseer of the Qur'an Pa got for me. It's been ages since I opened it (shame on me, I know too) but I know this much, every time I read it, I find something new to think about, something so beautiful and profound that it makes life worth a living all over again.
The second book would be, Deewan e Ghalib of course. I am not an authority on the bard, just a humble starter Ghalib lover.
Third should be Faiz's Nuskhaha e Wafa. 53, 54, 55...
Fourth would be a compilation of all the tosh I have ever written, feautures, articles, interviews, class assignments, reports, projects, researches, exam and test copies (yes!), that meagre amount poetry that had my name to it, my master's thesis, a couple of girly diaries, and all my blog content etc.
Fifth would be the book I am yet to write. If I write more than one, then an omnibus edition: Collected works of AWK.
No, let's revise. If two and three can be lumped as one, or one is a given, being a Muslim and all, I can squeeze in a fifth but technically sixth book which would be a collection of all my thoughts left unsaid/unairedunwritten. And that would be the one meaning most to me. And 79, 80, 81 ... still counting the number of books I owned, ever. :-)